MiasDB is a comprehensive information resource describing SF-RNA and protein-protein interactions associated with alternative splicing (AS). The data in MiasDB are freely accessible through the web interface. Users can retrieve the interaction information by using one of three features: name of the gene, name of SF or RNA elements and AS pattern. Detailed instructions on the search were presented as follows.
1.The AS interaction information can be obtained by entering the name of a single gene. Take the gene BCL2L1 as example, the search page was exhibited (see Fig 1). The output is shown in the form of a table (see Fig 2). As an application of the MiasDB, the regulatory network for 12 specific genes including BCL2L1, CSK, CD44, PTPRC, CFTR, FAS, FGFR2, FN1, INSR, NF1, SMN2, MAPT are presented in the current version of the MiasDB. As an example, the AS regulatory network of the BCL2L1 was shown in result page. The vectogram of AS regulatory network and annotation can be downloaded, respectively (see blue rectangle in Fig 2).

2. Users can retrieve the AS interaction information by entering the interactor. The “interactor” in database refers to “SF or RNA elements” in manuscript. Take the SF 9G8 as example, the search page is exhibited (see Fig 3). The output is shown in the form of a table (see Fig 4). The search steps by entering AS pattern are similar to the Fig 3 and Fig 4.